Andrew Barrow Photography


Posts tagged Pink Lady
Pink Lady Food Photo Competition 2021

Unsure of how many entries there were into the 2021 Pink Lady Food Photography Competition, 10,000 or some such, but only 800 of these were shortlisted.

Rather chuffed that two of my images made it to the shortlist. They didn’t, sadly, make it through to the finalist selection. I entered just four images this year, and neither of my Wine Produce images were selected! A travesty if you ask me ;-)

My two finalist images are the Iced Lemon Cake in the Marks & Spencer Food Portraiture section and a Triptych I put together from the Washing Line project in the Fujifilm Award for Innovation section.

Iced Lemon Cake - Finalist Marks & Spencer Food Portraiture

Washing Line Triptych - Finalist Fujifilm Award for Innovation

Pink Lady Photography Competition

A bit of a flurry this week as I snap a few images for the Pink Lady Photography awards. The competition closes in a couple of days, hence the frantic activity. I’m trying for a couple of different categories this year in addition to the Errazuriz Wine Photographer.

I’ve also just received a stunning wine decanter that I would really like to use in an image but time is pressing so it might not make it to the studio table in time for an entry this year.

I note that the Pink Lady blog featured my entry from last year - it reached the finalist slot but was up against a mass of really strong and impressive images, The writer states

Here, Andrew Barrow has used such props to set a scene for his Wine and Cheese. Using cheese and grapes as well as flowers gives this image a still life feel. We know that the story is about the wine, but it draws us into a feel of how the wine is enjoyed.

‘In the same way that there are artists or there are artists, the same is true of photographers. A photograph can be an art form in its own right. It can deliver mood and pathos, and put across a message in an outrageously powerful manner. In short, it can showcase the very DNA of the brand.’