Andrew Barrow Photography


Photo Challenge

A photo-challenge from the mighty Libby… “three images connected by colour or shape”.

So a wander around my home town with zero planning beforehand. In the rain too. I began by looking at puddles, the reflections and the rings made by the raindrops but they weren’t really fulfilling the brief… connected yes but not by colour or a shape. Then I began looking at the double yellow lines that dominate most of the roads around my flat. And this remained the focus of the remainder of my walk - various yellow lines. There was a telegraph pole with a support wire painted yellow for example… and plenty of road markings in various shapes of yellow.

From the 40 odd images taken I settled on a handful to process and spent a while looking for the best crop and which images worked together. But things were not playing out correctly. Even more so after leaving them for a day to view with fresh eyes. A second shoot was required. This time a firmer plan - keeping to the horizontal stripes idea but also looking for the colours of the Ukrainian flag…