Andrew Barrow Photography


Red Box Gallery

Happy to announce that my first physical exhibition has secured a week long slot in the Brightwell Red Box Gallery

As galleries go it is rather quirky, alternative and novel. Its a converted red phone box in the middle of a sleepy village in South Oxfordshire. But one can only wonder at the number of visitors...

Still, for the Landings 2018 week (17th - 24th August 2018) I have a 'space' to fill. My other idea, of sending images off to friends scattered across the world, I think I will abandon, Although I still think it a good idea, time and cost constraints mean I will be pressed to bring the plan to fruition. The Red Box Gallery is a good alternative. 

The intention is to display a small selection of cyanotype prints with a graphical acetate overlay. These images are displayed on the Landings 2018 gallery page. 

Images of the Red Box Gallery below taken form the Brightwell-cum-Sotwell community website.